Karen Solomon
July 28, 2011 by Susie
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Karen Solomon talks about her love for 'The Jewish Home Cook Book'. Karen is the author of Can It, Bottle It, Smoke It and Jam It, Pickle It, Cure It The only thing better than cookbooks is digging through a shelf of old cookbooks, and for these I am a happily-in-denial addict. Their torn covers of dated and often hilarious cover art, featuring food both… read more
Susie’s Heirloom
July 26, 2011 by Susie
I'm particularly excited about our guest contributor this month. Karen Solomon's whimsically titled books Can It, Bottle It, Smoke It and Jam it, Pickle It, Cure It explore the world of DIY cooking. They'll be my guides this summer if my garden yields the extra required for putting-up (a first, but it's looking rosy). But Solomon's piece isn't about that. It's about the cookbook… read more
Raw deals
July 18, 2011 by Susie
Raw food cookbooks...I love the paradox they pose. If it's raw, then it can't be a cookbook, because there's no cooking involved. And if there's no cooking involved, then why do you need a cookbook in the first place? This thought came to me most recently upon receiving a copy of Ani Phyo's Ani's Raw Food Asia. Phyo is a raw food… read more
Kitchen gardeners love EYB
July 11, 2011 by Susie
Let's step away from the bookshelf and into the garden for a moment, shall we? I don't know if there is a time of year when I am more grateful for EYB than midsummer. This year especially, when a temperate spring and a balanced summer have made my vegetable garden yield up treasures nearly every day. A good garden calls… read more
Happy 4th!
July 4, 2011 by Susie
It being the 4th, a lot of us are celebrating a different sort of independence--independence from the stove. We're going to cookouts and picnics and barbecues. We're getting buckets of fried chicken from wherever we can. Of course, for some of us--including, I'm sure, many Eat Your Books readers--the Fourth means extra-big cooking projects, because we are the engine and… read more
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