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How to suggest magazines for indexing?   Go to last post Go to last unread
#1 Posted : Saturday, April 7, 2012 6:31:37 PM(UTC)

I enjoy the magazines that are currently indexed.  I have another magazine that I enjoy and wonder how to put that in the request line.

I am referring specifically to "La Cucina Italiana" (english version)

Thank you

#2 Posted : Sunday, April 8, 2012 2:04:14 PM(UTC)

Generally people have been adding their requests to the Blog post called Magazine Indexing though I appreciate that isn't too easy to find as it is tagged as What's New on EYB.  There is also a thread in the Forum under Cookbooks & Authors, Magazines called re:magazines asking the same question.

But since neither of those is easy to find, we can start this thread as a suggestions thread for magazine indexing.  So anyone who subscribes to a magazine and wants it indexed, post here.  Don't forget you can index magazines yourself in the same way you index cookbooks.  Just email us at and request specific magazine issues to be added then you can request to index them.  They are generally much quicker to index than cookbooks.

#3 Posted : Monday, April 9, 2012 11:09:24 PM(UTC)

I would love to see Southern Living and Whole Living magazines indexed here.  I have started adding some of the recipes in my personal recipes but would love to see all of the issues in my bookshelf.  Thanks!

#4 Posted : Tuesday, April 10, 2012 8:34:12 AM(UTC)
I would like to see Sunset and Martha Stewart Living indexed.
#5 Posted : Tuesday, April 10, 2012 11:55:04 AM(UTC)

I'd love to see Jamie magazine (UK). It really is a high-quality, original food magazine.

#6 Posted : Tuesday, April 10, 2012 2:00:20 PM(UTC)

Monicahorridge - we have just assigned Jamie Magazine to an indexer so you will see that appearing soon.

Vickster - Fiona and I met the Food Editor of Sunset Magazine at IACP recently and we discussed with her indexing the magazine.  So that one should also be appearing soon.  We also plan to start indexing the recipes in Martha Stewart Living and 'O' Magazine in the next few weeks.

spharo00 - I know that Southern Living and Whole Living are both large circulation magazines but we have had very few requests from EYB members to index them.  One possibility is that you could index the latest couple of issues yourself and once we see how many members add them to their Bookshelf then we can decide whether we should index them.

#7 Posted : Thursday, April 12, 2012 9:10:07 AM(UTC)
I am interested in seeing Whole Living indexed also.
#8 Posted : Thursday, April 12, 2012 11:27:12 AM(UTC)
I would love to see Donna Hay Magazine indexed.
#9 Posted : Thursday, April 12, 2012 1:49:10 PM(UTC)

Astrid5555 - you'll be pleased to know we have already started indexing Donna Hay Magazine - the current issue is already up and we will be working our way back through the issues.  The online links are not available yet but when we add them, everyone can access their great recipes, even if you don't subscribe to the magazine.

#10 Posted : Thursday, April 12, 2012 4:48:48 PM(UTC)

I'd like to request that if possible all the Cook's Illustrated Special Issues be added to the library (currently I think just those few that are indexed are there), indexed or no.  I'd be willing to index several of the ones I have, and having them visible but unindexed would probably inspire a few others to do so, as well.

Is this feasible, i.e., is a complete list available from the ATK/CI people?

Thanks in advance

#11 Posted : Thursday, April 12, 2012 5:53:08 PM(UTC)

ellebee - I think we have indexed almost every Cook's Illustrated Special that they have issued - 66 in total.  According to the list we got from the publisher they have produced 73 so there are just the 7 below outstanding.  We asked them to send them all so we could get them indexed but a few were missing.  If you or any other EYB member owns these and would like to index them, let us know and we will put it up so you can index request it.

Fast & Fresh Recipe cards Spring 2009

Fast & Fresh Recipe cards Fall/Winter 2009

Spring Entertaining 2010

Skillet Suppers 2011

Backyard Barbecue 2011

Chocolate Desserts 2011

Slow Cooker Revolution 2011

We should be able to get the 2011 copies from the publisher and it occurs to me that I haven't seen any recently so I will chase them up for any new releases since this list was compiled 

#12 Posted : Friday, April 13, 2012 1:30:43 PM(UTC)

I second Cucina Italiana. Great about Donna Hay, & Jamie...
King Arthur has a great little "magazine" - really more of a pamphlet/newsletter on Baking called "The Baking Sheet" http://www.kingarthurflo...ingsheet/bakingsheet.htm

Would like to see all the special issues of Fine Cooking go up as well. What about back issues of magazines? I have probably close to 10 years of gourmet magazine, and years of other magazine's back issues. I assume I'm not the only one! I am sure I have others to suggest, need to go back through all my files when I have more time...

Also, what about Epicurious? I've been adding my own favorites & ading other members' indexed recipes but it would be great to have the entire database as the recipes are generally high quality. 

#13 Posted : Friday, April 13, 2012 1:39:12 PM(UTC)

One other thing I've noticed... (not sure where to appropriately post this as it spans magazines & blogs online)...
sometimes there is a picture of the dish online but it does not get picked up when indexing it. Is there any way to add it?  

#14 Posted : Friday, April 13, 2012 5:48:50 PM(UTC)

robinorig - King Arthur's Baking Sheet sounds like a great project for member indexing!  I think it will be hard for us to get hold of older issues unless one of our indexers has collected them, which I don't think is the case.  Any time a member wants magazines added to the Library so they can index them, just email us and we will add them.

I'm sure we will index the Fine Cooking special issues as the magazines are on a lot of Bookshelves,

We are working our way back through Gourmet - we have indexed back to December 2008 and we will be doing the rest of '08 shortly.  Likewise Bon Appétit has been indexed back to Jan 2009 and we will be going further back.

Epicurious is so huge that I don't think we will be indexing it in its entirety any time soon.  We are linking to online recipes from Gourmet and Bon Appétit as we index the magazines, and as you note, members are adding a lot of their favorite recipes from the site.

Photo imports can be problematic, depending on how the website has named it - some photos import beautifully because they have been properly named whereas others will not.  And when a blogger doesn't put their photo of the finished dish at the top of the post (one of the worst crimes of blogging in my view) and hides it down at the bottom then it won't appear in your slideshow of 5 choices.  When we have time Fiona or I go check to see if there is a photo we can import manually (unfortunately this is not something members can do).  But lately we have been overloaded so it hasn't been happening as much.  But we are taking on an extra person to handle online recipes so he/she will check for missing photos as part of their duties.

#15 Posted : Friday, April 13, 2012 6:17:33 PM(UTC)

Thanks for the update, Jane.... glad you are so on top of everything!

I'll go back through what I have from the Baking Sheet when I have a chance. I've only gotten it for about a year as I was not aware of it before. A friend gave me a subscription as a gift. It's a great little newsletter.

#16 Posted : Friday, April 13, 2012 10:37:14 PM(UTC)

I know, I should subscribe to it as I love baking and use King Arthur products quite a bit.  I have visited their shop in Vermont a few times and it is a baker's paradise.  Every ingredient and tool and pan you can ever imagine using, plus many you never imagined.  And they have a coffee shop too where you can buy their own baked goods - just as good as you would think.

#17 Posted : Friday, April 13, 2012 11:06:42 PM(UTC)
Sounds like a great field trip! :)
#18 Posted : Saturday, April 14, 2012 9:32:33 AM(UTC)

Thanks so much, Jane; I guess I hadn't checked the CI list in a while, because when I last checked only a few of the Special Issues were there.  I have 'Spring Entertaining 2010, so will request to index after I finish the book I'm currently doing.  Thanks again!


When you're in touch with ATK/CI about the special issues, you might want to ask for the missing cover images, and get some clarification on the publication dates.  Usually the publication date of a special issue is several months before the 'Display until' date on the cover; here are some that seem unlikely or impossible, given the display date (in parens):

Italian Favorites 2009 (Dec 21, 2009)

Soups and Stews Winter 2010 (Apr 5, 2010)  - this couldn't have been pub in Dec 2010 as listed

American Classics 2010 (Oct 11, 2010)

Make-Ahead Recipes 2011 (June 27, 2011)

#19 Posted : Sunday, April 15, 2012 10:34:33 PM(UTC)

I have asked the publisher again for the cover images so we can fill in the gaps and also standardise them - at the moment we have retrieved them from wherever we can find them online.

They didn't give us publication dates so we just took the start date of the season they were for.  Or where they weren't seasonal we gave a date of Jan 1 for the year.  The 'Display until' date on the cover is an instruction to the seller as to how long to keep them on display before returning unsold stock.  It doesn't relate directly to publication date.  But I have taken a stab at a more accurate publication date given the 'Display until' dates you gave above.

#20 Posted : Sunday, April 15, 2012 10:36:11 PM(UTC)

robinorig - they do baking classes at King Arthur Flour too so if you ever in VT try to coincide with a class.

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