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#24 Posted : Friday, July 20, 2012 9:23:29 AM(UTC)

We have a very long list of blogs we are indexing based on the requests we received when we ran a survey for several months, plus the requests here.  But bloggers can use our indexing tools to index their own blog if they like.  It really doesn't take too long and who knows your recipes better than the creator?  Several bloggers have taken us up on this so far.  You can read what is involved in our Introduction to Indexing in Help (just substitute blog wherever it says book).  Email us at if you would like us to set it up.

#25 Posted : Tuesday, July 24, 2012 6:28:58 PM(UTC)

Two of the blogs we had a lot of requests for are now indexed - Bakerella and What's Gaby Cooking. There are quite a few new blogs being indexed now so we will be adding several more in the next couple of weeks.

#27 Posted : Wednesday, August 22, 2012 10:29:42 PM(UTC)

I'd like to request Proud Italian Cook

#28 Posted : Friday, August 24, 2012 6:17:32 AM(UTC)
Another vote for joy the baker here, and apt 2b baking company
#29 Posted : Sunday, September 9, 2012 7:45:56 AM(UTC)
A vote for Rachel Eats- a gorgeous blog about a British woman living and cooking in Rome.
#31 Posted : Monday, September 24, 2012 10:01:19 AM(UTC)
Whilst not a blog, what is the viability of indexing/linking to recipe websites? As a Brit, I am particularly thinking of the BBC Food website:
#32 Posted : Monday, September 24, 2012 4:51:16 PM(UTC)

We do link to quite a few recipes from the BBC Good Food site - there are 2,127 recipes already indexed.  We index the BBC Good Food and Olive magazines and wherever a recipe is available on the BBC site we link to it.  We also have members adding recipes from the site using the EYB Bookmarklet.

Whenever you want to find online recipes from a particular site, click the Recipes tab, select the Online recipes filter at top right, and enter the name of the site in the word search box - in this case BBC.

#33 Posted : Tuesday, September 25, 2012 12:53:15 PM(UTC)

Another vote for:

Joy the baker

Annie's Eats

#34 Posted : Thursday, September 27, 2012 10:27:53 PM(UTC)

Great news for all you Joy the Baker requesters - we finally got her OK to index her blog today so we will be adding it as soon as possible.  

Annie's Eats is not responding to my emails - if anyone here knows her or would be prepared to email her through her blog, please tell her how useful it would be for you if her recipes were indexed here.

#35 Posted : Tuesday, October 2, 2012 9:34:52 AM(UTC)

I would love to see:


Sprouted Kitchen

My New Roots:

Happy Yolks:

Naturally Ella:

My Darling Lemon Thyme:

#36 Posted : Wednesday, October 3, 2012 3:55:32 PM(UTC)

I'd like to see Herbivoracious:

#37 Posted : Wednesday, October 10, 2012 9:08:11 PM(UTC)

Good news for everyone who has requested Joy the Baker -- Indexing has just been completed! You can add it to your bookshelf here.

#38 Posted : Sunday, October 21, 2012 9:05:34 AM(UTC)
The LA Times has useful recipes. This is one of my faves.I tried to add this URL to a personal recipe entry but it wouldnt "take" for some reason

BTW thank you EYB for all that you do. I'm appreaciating and enjoying this new tool very much.
#39 Posted : Monday, October 22, 2012 7:19:49 PM(UTC)

Poyma - I added it to EYB for you using the bookmarket. It is now part of the main EYB library - not personal recipes. Named Summer Ratatouille. You'll want to add it to your bookshelf I'd guess - all the other recipes I've ever added this way go automatically on to my bookshelf but of course this one wouldn't know that you particularly wanted it!

(I don't know why it wouldn't add for you, but I sometimes have issues with the Bookmarklet - all operator error in my case, because I want to drag it onto the website and I have to force myself to just click not drag!)

#40 Posted : Tuesday, October 23, 2012 11:43:07 AM(UTC)

I have just started vegan cooking upon a doctor's recommendation, and would love to have

Post Punk Kitchen

and I'll second



Thank you!


#41 Posted : Tuesday, October 30, 2012 1:31:59 PM(UTC)

I would love to see this blog. 

#42 Posted : Thursday, November 1, 2012 10:22:28 AM(UTC)

I would like to see Shutterbean added to the blog list:



#3 Posted : Saturday, November 17, 2012 9:05:35 PM(UTC)

seconding chow!

Originally Posted by: spharo00 Go to Quoted Post

I have a few blogs that I would like to see also.  Here are some of my favorites:


#30 Posted : Wednesday, November 21, 2012 5:04:11 PM(UTC)

Originally Posted by: TrishaCP Go to Quoted Post
A vote for Rachel Eats- a gorgeous blog about a British woman living and cooking in Rome.

Seconded - I've never had a dud from that blog.

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