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#1 Posted : Saturday, January 6, 2024 1:49:51 PM(UTC)
Where would I find tomatoes as an ingredient? BTW it would be nice and a lot easier to find ingredients if there was an ingredient search function.
#2 Posted : Saturday, January 6, 2024 2:07:07 PM(UTC)

Originally Posted by: MHLandSDZ Go to Quoted Post
Where would I find tomatoes as an ingredient? BTW it would be nice and a lot easier to find ingredients if there was an ingredient search function.

Not absolutely understanding the question. I typed Tomato into my recipe search and got 17,000 plus results. That is effectively an ingredient search.

#3 Posted : Saturday, January 6, 2024 3:31:07 PM(UTC)

It's under Salad.

#4 Posted : Saturday, January 6, 2024 5:55:45 PM(UTC)

Out of interest, I tried a quick search test for "cherry tomatoes" and got a full list of recipes specific to cherry tomatoes.

#5 Posted : Saturday, January 6, 2024 8:22:40 PM(UTC)

Most ingredients can be filtered using the search filters in the right column (or under Filter on a phone). As wester says, tomatoes are under Ingredients / Vegetables / Salad (and yes, we know tomatoes are a fruit but we try to make the search intuitive). Using filters is more accurate than a word search as words can appear in author names, book titles, linked ingredients etc that then give unexpected recxipes in the search results.

#6 Posted : Sunday, January 7, 2024 7:33:15 PM(UTC)

Originally Posted by: MHLandSDZ Go to Quoted Post
Where would I find tomatoes as an ingredient? BTW it would be nice and a lot easier to find ingredients if there was an ingredient search function.

That one threw me in the past too.  I suppose it was thought mostly used in salads when EYB started?  Another one that stumps me is soy beans.  Not cooked fresh soy beans like edamame.  

#7 Posted : Monday, January 8, 2024 3:22:14 AM(UTC)
Oh my G-d! I only just noticed the ingredient search function ahahah :) :)
#8 Posted : Monday, January 8, 2024 10:37:58 AM(UTC)

Agaillard - as a long-time member and regular user of EYB, how do you think we can best get across to members about features of EYB that they may be missing? The ingredient and category filters on EYB search is a very fundamental one that we would want all members to be aware of. We have tutorials, accessed from the green Need Help? button at bottom right (not available on phones). We have a huge Help section as well. Jenny does useful tips periodically in the blog and emails. There is a pinned blog post on the Home Page "Ideas on how to make EYB work better for you". But if members aren't looking at those then how else?

#10 Posted : Monday, January 8, 2024 8:37:39 PM(UTC)

Originally Posted by: Jane Go to Quoted Post

Agaillard - as a long-time member and regular user of EYB, how do you think we can best get across to members about features of EYB that they may be missing? The ingredient and category filters on EYB search is a very fundamental one that we would want all members to be aware of. …

I'm clearly not Agaillard but find the current method of "filters" distracting. When using my laptop, for example, the Filter area falls off the end of the screen and I have to scroll the page up to see even the top level options. (I have my web browsers set to force pages to display in a specific font at a particular size to reduce the effects of the Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome component of my dyslexia.)

Also I find — as documented in several of my forum posts here — the categories, organisation, and selection of said filters to be counter-intuitive.

Further I do not like having to shift my eye gaze from the search criteria entry box which is near the top of the page to the bottom right to fiddle with filter settings. This causes an increase in what Sperber and Wilson, and Ernst-Augut Gutt call cognitive load. It interupts my chain of thought. Interuptions increased by having to open filter categories. The current system is hard to use as a result.

My personal prefernce would be to type searches like these analagous to the advanced search features of Google or DuckDuckGo


"recipe-for:condensed milk" (as opposed to it being an ingredient)

rather than fiddle about taking my fingers off the keyboard — I touch type —, striping my gaze from the text box, find the mouse, waggle it around to locate and move the cursor to the bottom right descend through a heirarchy of options to locate what I want. The end result often that I forget what it is I am trying to do.

#9 Posted : Tuesday, January 9, 2024 2:57:47 AM(UTC)

Originally Posted by: Jane Go to Quoted Post

Agaillard - as a long-time member and regular user of EYB, how do you think we can best get across to members about features of EYB that they may be missing? The ingredient and category filters on EYB search is a very fundamental one that we would want all members to be aware of. We have tutorials, accessed from the green Need Help? button at bottom right (not available on phones). We have a huge Help section as well. Jenny does useful tips periodically in the blog and emails. There is a pinned blog post on the Home Page "Ideas on how to make EYB work better for you". But if members aren't looking at those then how else?

Ah yes I couldn't believe myself I missed that one! I guess I wasn't paying enough attention while reading the post or thought that I knew the site after all this time lol :) I think I have most of the functions just not that particular one. I usually just use the search box like +tomatoes -sauce -paste for instance or with quotes like "cherry tomatoes". I use the recipe types filter on the right hand side as well and others, just I never realised you could specifically search for ingredients in that manner. or noticed the ingredient search function on the right column.

That is very useful actually because indeed it will avoid me having to filter all the non pepper vegetable recipes for example, manually adding several minus signs

#11 Posted : Tuesday, January 9, 2024 5:19:20 PM(UTC)
Hi Jane,
I agree with ThePatheticBaker. I find the filter boxes awkwardly situated and not laid out logically (meaning, not the way I would sort them). For instance, while salads might be a side dish, they are just as likely to be the main feature. And would I find tuna salad under salads? It's rarely a side dish. Tomatoes go in many many dishes in my house. Salads are only one part of it. I do remember looking for Tomatoes under Vegetables, not finding it and giving up. I almost never use the filters. Finding what I want leaves me annoyed and I do not want to associate that feeling with EYB.
Easier to do an unfiltered search and see what I get. I will almost certainly find recipes that are interesting, even if not what I planned on. The sense of discover is a lot more positive and if I spend some time sorting, at least I am not angry while doing it.

Typing search filters, once you have some practice, makes searches much faster. It doesn't require either one of us to guess about how the other would classify something. I wonder if it would be possible to add the ability to type search filters, then both types of users would be happy.
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