Quote:Meat cuts are a nightmare: on the one hand, even within the UK they can vary almost from one county to the next, scots cuts are named, and sometimes shaped, differently from English ones; but on the other hand I get annoyed in supermarkets where meat is packaged and labelled as "stewing beef" or "frying steak" , I like full information.
I'm never sure what US recipes mean by "chuck roast", as chuck is a cut used for casseroles in London and S England (I've had a look at the "maps" and I think feather or blade in London works, maybe).
A scots friend referred to a "pistol" joint of beef recently, we decided (rightly, I've just checked) it was probably the joint that is called a salmon cut in the N of England and doesn't seem to have a name in S England (it probably does, but isn't usually detached from the silverside). It is called a salmon cut as it is the shape of the tail cut from a salmon.