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How to suggest magazines for indexing?   Go to last post Go to last unread
#41 Posted : Sunday, December 23, 2012 8:22:55 PM(UTC)
I suggest indexing Cooks Country Magazine. It is an America's Test Kitchen publication, and there is a televised cooking show based on the magazine similar to Cooks Illustrated. It has no advertising.
#42 Posted : Saturday, December 29, 2012 5:35:20 PM(UTC)

I would love to see Taste magazine (new Zealand) indexed please

#43 Posted : Tuesday, January 1, 2013 10:20:05 AM(UTC)

Would it be possible to post a list of indexed magazines and magazines in que for indexing with the following information for each of them
..magazine indexed back to currently
...plans to keep going further back far back you are planning to go

Also is there a way for you to allow us to add issues to the library that are not yet indexed for the following magazines
..the original Cooks Magazine Jan/Feb 1987- April 1989
..Cooks Illustrated from the charter issue. - I and I am sure many of us are really enjoying the full access we now have through EYB
..the original Eating Well Sept 1990 -March/April 1999
.. Fine Cooking from the charter issue Feb 1994
..Saveur from the beginning in 1994
..Bon Appetite from 1988
..Gourmet from 1988
..Food and Wine from 1988 approximately

It would be great if we could add theses to the bookshelf and then sign up to index them. If it turns out that many of us have years earlier than currently indexed in EYB we could start with issues that at least a number of us have. I am enjoying indexing cookbooks but I thing the magazines would go much faster. I look forward to hearing what you Jane and others think. Happy 2013!
#44 Posted : Sunday, January 6, 2013 9:42:35 AM(UTC)

I would also love to see La Cucina Italiana added.  Thank you!

#45 Posted : Sunday, January 6, 2013 1:50:04 PM(UTC)

I would also be interested in Cook's Country magazine.

#46 Posted : Sunday, January 6, 2013 2:28:23 PM(UTC)

Apologies lorloff for not replying to your post sooner - I had a very elongated journey back from New Zealand (44 hours!) and some things fell through the cracks.

Have you seen that we now have a list of the magazines indexed under Popular Searches in the right navigation on the Magazines page (not fully complete but will be updated today)? If you click any magazine there you will be able to see whch issues are indexed.

I posted yesterday on a topic "Will back issues of magazines be indexed" in Magazine Talk and I said:

Originally Posted by: Jane Go to Quoted Post

Adding magazine issues is quite a lot of work as all details have to be entered manually plus the cover has to be sourced or scanned.  This is very different from books where we import the data from Nielsen or Amazon.  For that reason we only add magazines if they are to be indexed.  We are always happy to add any issue of a magazine if a member wants to index it - just email us at

We have recently added Heirloom Gardener at a member's request, another member is indexing Vegetarian Times and we have a member who is working her way through a UK magazine, Food and Travel.

We don't need to add more back issues of existing magazines to tell which ones we should focus on as we can tell by the number of members who own the oldest issues - Bon Appétit, Food & Wine, Cooking Light, Saveur, Fine Cooking and Cuisine (NZ) we will definitely be working further back on.  We are completely up to date with Cook's Illustrated, Lucky Peach, Jamie Magazine (UK), and Feast (Australia).

Members who haven't yet checked out our magazine section should take a look - most of the magazines have the recipes available for free on their websites so you can add the magazines to your Bookshelf even if you don't subscribe and then access the recipes via Recipe Online links.  There are some wonderful recipes available to add to your collection.

Rather than adding all the magazines you listed, could you let us know a couple you want now, we will add them and you can then request to index them?  I see you have listed Cook's Illustrated Magazine from the charter issue - those are all already indexed.  As I said above, we prefer to only add magazines if they will be indexed.  If it turns out that a lot of members want to index archive issues then we definitely consider adding all back issues for a magazine.  As you say, magazines are much faster to index than books.

#48 Posted : Wednesday, February 20, 2013 9:03:31 PM(UTC)

I request TeaTime Magazine

I have all the issues. They began in Spring 2004.

Here's their phone # 205-995-8860

They are currently published by Hoffman Media

Thank you,


#49 Posted : Friday, February 22, 2013 5:40:31 PM(UTC)
My vote would be for Cuisine at Home

In my experience it is a great magazine, the majority of recipes I have tried have worked well.
No ads and not quite as finicky as cooks illustrated.
#50 Posted : Tuesday, May 28, 2013 2:09:36 PM(UTC) and have family-friendly, easy-to-prep recipes. 

#51 Posted : Wednesday, May 29, 2013 1:28:14 PM(UTC)

AngEngland - we have a separate Forum thread for suggesting blogs you would like to see indexed.  It is called Blog requests.

#52 Posted : Tuesday, June 4, 2013 6:50:30 AM(UTC)
I would like to see "Australian Good Taste"
#54 Posted : Wednesday, June 5, 2013 4:54:29 AM(UTC)

Australian good Taste would be seconded by many of us downunder. It's the magazine produced monthly by Woolworths Supermarket chain. It's also online through (as is Delicious). ;-)

#55 Posted : Sunday, July 21, 2013 7:12:42 PM(UTC)
Could you please add Real Simple magazine's recipes?
#56 Posted : Monday, July 22, 2013 12:56:31 PM(UTC)

I would like to see  publications from the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO), Food and Drink  indexed.  Many of my friends frequently use their great recipes. They publish every couple of months.  Recipes are also available on-line but are about 6 months behind.


a wickes

#57 Posted : Thursday, August 1, 2013 8:09:58 PM(UTC)
Hi Jane
A great magazine in NZ is Taste ( Bauer Media) it is a monthly mag ( 11 issues a year) and has been going for about 8-9 years. On issue 92 at the moment.
Be great if this could be added at some stage.


#58 Posted : Wednesday, September 11, 2013 11:08:19 AM(UTC)

A relatively new magazine to consider indexing: Culture, the magazine of cheese.  It's a U.S. quarterly, and has been going for about five years (since 2009). It always contains some recipes, though the main focus is on information about cheeses, makers, and cheese-making regions.  There is a spring beer supplement and a fall wine supplement, which also contain recipes (and pairings).

The website is  There are recipes on the site, some from the print edition and some web-only.  Highly recommended to anyone interested in cheese. It's sold at cheese and food shops, and you can get a very good idea of the range and quality of coverage from the online site.