I love the recipes found on the blog Alexandra's Kitchen and would love to see them indexed one day!
I'd like to suggest Andrea Nguyen's Viet World Kitchen https://www.vietworldkitchen.com/
Please add :
Another request
I wonder why blog authors are not indexing their own recipes? There will be more traffic to their blogs.
A few bloggers have had their own blogs assigned to them over the years but have almost all dropped out after indexing some of their recipes. Maybe indexing does not appeal in the same way blogging does? Though as you say, it would drive more traffic to their blog. The exception is Roberta Muir, who has carried on indexing her blog, Food Wine Travel with Roberta.
I'm a very occasional baker and find when I use Sally McKenney's recipes, I feel confident because she's very specific about equipment, ingredients, and technique. The outcome turn outs well. If it's not already on the list, I'd like to see her blog added.
RecipeTin Eats please šš¼
Requests for:
Okonomi Kitchen https://okonomikitchen.com/
The Viet Vegan https://thevietvegan.com/
Loving it Vegan https://lovingitvegan.com/
Lazy Cat Kitchen https://www.lazycatkitchen.com/
A Virtual Vegan https://avirtualvegan.com/
Is there a way for me to add and index my own blog? I'd be happy to index the recipes myself, but didn't see any info about how to do this.
slumberandscones..email info@eatyourbooks.com with your offer and bloglink...might help the admin folks make a decision ;-) and see Jane's comment a few posts above yours about bloggers dropping out of indexing their own blogs!!
MadewithLau (www.madewithlau.com) has some wonderful Cantonese recipes complete with videos. Unfortunately the EYB bookmarklet for adding individual recipes does not work on the recipes at this site. (I have tried it using Chrome and Firefox with the same error each time.) If it did, I would be adding every recipe I have tried so far. They are very, very, good.
Really love www.howsweeteats.com
I second Damn Delicious! She has great recipes!
Not sure if https://adamliaw.com/recipes-articles/ is considered blog by EYB but would love to see his recipes indexed. He has become one of my favorite recipe developer and cook.
I found a great Japanese cooking blog by a guy in Japan written in English. His recipes and photos are terrific. This is the best Japanese cooking blog in my opinion. Please index.
thanks, Rinshin, I am enjoying this blog
You are welcome Zephy. His pronunciations and terminology are British English rather than American English.
Would like to see Vindulge (Vindulge.com) added to indexed blogs.
Not sure I've requested this before but excellent blog for low carb eating Asian from Singapore. I tried several and all excellent esp japchae.
And you have a search engine for ALL your recipes!