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EYB Scanner: Android and iPhone   Go to last post Go to last unread
#1 Posted : Tuesday, February 7, 2023 11:06:11 AM(UTC)

Hi all,

I have been admiring Eat Your Books from afar for a while. A couple of my friends were members, and I finally bought a subscription last Christmas.

I was surprised to see that there isn't an app (I know the website is supposed to be ‘mobile friendly’, but it’s not quite the same) and also didn’t fancy typing in all my cookery books (only around 100, but still !) 

So I wrote one.

So far it has concentrated on getting books onto a bookshelf by scanning the ISBN code on the back of most (all ?) books. It is an all-in-one, easy to use 'ISBN scanning and add to EYB bookshelf' with your mobile phone app. You optionally check the scanning result and then ‘add to bookshelf’, or use the auto-add feature if all the data looks good. So basically you pull each book halfway off the bookshelf, scan the code, and move on to the next one.

It runs on Android and iPhone (it is written in React Native if you’re interested), but I’ve focused so far on Android.  

What does everyone think ? I've contacted EYB directly twice now, but no response for some reason. Is anyone interested ?


#2 Posted : Tuesday, February 7, 2023 3:58:35 PM(UTC)
I wondered why something like this wasn't available. Great idea!
#3 Posted : Wednesday, February 8, 2023 9:51:09 AM(UTC)

A barcode scanner is already available for use when adding your books to EYB. The options are outlined here in Help.

#4 Posted : Wednesday, February 8, 2023 11:16:15 AM(UTC)

Hi guys,

Thanks for your comments. 

Jane - the app I wrote is a custom 'all-in-one' application that interfaces directly into one's EYB account. The solutions outlined in the page you reference all involve additional configuration that frankly looks painful !

Additionally the first Android app refers to a Windows only program that doesn't seem to exist, and the second app is not available anymore !

Would you (or anyone else) be interested in testing mine ?

#5 Posted : Wednesday, February 8, 2023 12:13:11 PM(UTC)

It is on our developers to-do list to integrate a barcode scanner into EYB. We don't have any plans to integrate a 3rd party app into the site. Thanks for your interest though.

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