À la Mode: 120 Recipes in 60 Pairings: Pies, Tarts, Cakes, Crisps, and More Topped with Ice Cream, Gelato, Frozen Custard, and More by Bruce Weinstein and Mark Scarbrough

  • Bourbon peach pie
    • Categories: Pies, tarts & pastries; Dessert; American South
    • Ingredients: all-purpose flour; butter; vegetable shortening; apple cider vinegar; peaches; bourbon; instant tapioca; ground cinnamon
    • Accompaniments: Vanilla bean gelato

Notes about this book

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Notes about Recipes in this book

  • Black currant jam swirl ice cream

    • ashallen on May 03, 2020

      First time making a starch-thickened ice cream - worked great! Egg-free. Ice cream was dense, smooth, and creamy. Froze faster and melts slower than most egg custard-based ice creams I've made. Definitely scoops best when softened a bit. Flavor contrast between sweet cream base and tart black currant jam ripples is great. It's really pretty, too - dark purple ripples against a white base. I did have a mishap with the potato starch - I heated the custard too long without stirring and a swollen potato starch layer formed on the pot bottom. I scraped it up and tried whisking it back in, but there were still little blobs in the final custard that looked and tasted like soft tapicoa pearls. I left them in, thinking maybe they'd incorporate during freezing, but they didn't - they just got firmer! If they show up again in the future, I'll strain them out.

    • ashallen on May 11, 2020

      Made this again to see if I could avoid the potato starch lumps. Stirred carefully and nearly constantly during heating with a silicone spatula, scraping the pot bottom. Success - no lumps! Because all of the potato starch integrated into the custard, it "bubbled" at a lower temperature (~185F) and the final ice cream had less of a "cooked" taste, which was great. Be careful not to overchurn when freezing in an ice cream machine - it freezes in nearly half the time that many French egg custard style ice creams freeze. Because it melts so slowly and tidily, this would be great for summertime ice cream cones for the little ones!

  • Lemon polenta bundt

    • bellatavia on December 30, 2016

      This cake is terrific! The texture is grainy but not too grainy The corn flavor really comes through, and the lemon adds a fresh, delightful fragrance to the taste over all. It's easy to make, with clear instructions. I enjoyed the whole process, start to finish. You can tell Bruce and Mark teach cooking classes, as they explain little tips & tricks that make the overall cake that much better. A winner! PS - great on its own, but sublime with the accompanying Poppy Seed Frozen Custard.

  • Poppy seed frozen custard

    • bellatavia on December 30, 2016

      Wow, delicious! It's amazing how clearly the poppy seed flavor really sings in this recipe. I appreciate the way Bruce and Mark have us use an electric beater to prep the yolks and sugar for the hot cream mixture - I have never done it that way and I think it contributed to the smoother, creamier ice cream texture. I would eat this ice cream on its own any day, but it does go very well with the Lemon Polenta Bundt they recommend it accompany.

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Reviews about this book

  • Baking Bites

    Even if you don’t have an ice cream maker you can still use the dessert recipes in the book and pair them with storebought ice cream flavors...

    Full review
  • ISBN 10 1250072131
  • ISBN 13 9781250072139
  • Published Jun 07 2016
  • Format Paperback
  • Page Count 224
  • Language English
  • Countries United States
  • Publisher St. Martin's Griffin

Publishers Text

Are you ready to take your baking over the top? Here are sixty decadent and delightful ice creams and the sixty desserts that are their vehicles. A la Mode offers not just solid dessert recipes, from raspberry oat bars to bear claws, from chocolate pecan pie to a white chocolate pavlova, but also gives you the unforgettable pairings that make these desserts smash hits: apple cranberry pie with Camembert ice cream, chocolate sheet cake with salt caramel frozen custard, and espresso cream jelly roll with mascarpone ice cream.

Let's face it: vanilla can sometimes be so... vanilla. A great a-la-mode pairing should be as decadent as finding the perfect wine to go with your cheese plate. With A la Mode, IACP winners and cookbook dynamos Bruce Weinstein and Mark Scarbrough show you how to create innovative delights such as creamy hazelnut gelato atop coffee-poached pears, or maple frozen custard with a mouthwatering cinnamon roll cake, alongside simpler classics like confetti ice cream with layered vanilla birthday cake. You haven't lived until you've had peanut brittle pie with popcorn ice cream, a Cracker Jack fantasy!

Because what's a warm pie without ice cream? With A la Mode, you'll have to answer that question!

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