Bittman’s Kitchen: What I Grill and Why by Mark Bittman

    • Categories: Grills & BBQ; Sauces for meat; Dressings & marinades; Main course
    • Ingredients: soy; garlic cloves; ginger; thyme sprigs; bay leaf; flank steak

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  • Published May 16 2011
  • Format eBook
  • Page Count 52
  • Language English
  • Countries United States

Publishers Text

Mark Bittman, America's favorite home cook and author of the award-winning How to Cook Everything, finally reveals his favorite grilling recipes. These are the essentials, the ones that Bittman goes back to time and again. Easy and accessible, each of these is a delicious excuse to grab a spatula and head outside. And, each is accompanied by short essay written in Bittman's trademark conversational style--so you feel like he's right there with you at the grill, sharing a story while the coals heat up. With this must-have grilling collection, Bittman also serves up a short but comprehensive guide to the grill, including how to get started, how to master doneness, what to grill, and what to keep in the pantry to make planning simple. Whether you cook everyday or pick up a set of tongs only on holiday weekends, these recipes are the ones you'll want to have on hand all summer long.

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