Ainsley's Ultimate Barbecue Bible: Over 150 Sizzling Recipes by Ainsley Harriott

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  • ISBN 10 0563522178
  • ISBN 13 9780563522171
  • Linked ISBNs
  • Published Apr 07 2005
  • Format Paperback
  • Page Count 224
  • Language English
  • Countries United Kingdom
  • Publisher Ebury
  • Imprint BBC Books

Publishers Text

Ainsley Harriott is one of the nation's all-time favourite television chefs and is also a best-selling BBC author. "Barbecue Bible" has sold over 270,000 copies since its release in 1997 and it continues to top the chart for barbecue books every summer. Now this classic title has been redesigned for a fresh contemporary look, and some of the best recipes from Ainsley's "Big Cook Out" have been added to turn this into the "Ultimate Barbecue Bible." It will appeal to a whole new generation of Ainsley fans as well as anyone looking for a definitive collection of barbecue recipes in time for summer 2005. The book is packed with mouth-watering dishes inspired by flavours from around the world including a host of sensational salsas, marinades, barbecue breads and summertime drinks to complete your menu. "Ainsley's Ultimate Barbecue Bible" also contains revised and updated barbecue information, practical cooking tips and themed menus to help you sizzle your way to the ultimate open air feast.

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