Stir-Frying to the Sky's Edge: The Ultimate Guide to Mastery, with Authentic Recipes and Stories by Grace Young
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- ISBN 10 1416580573
- ISBN 13 9781416580577
- Published Jul 07 2010
- Format Hardcover
- Page Count 384
- Language English
- Countries United States
Publishers Text
A book that celebrates wok cooking with gorgeous photographs and simple recipes from across the world.
“Stir-Frying to the Sky's Edge" is the essential cookbook for anyone who wants to stir-fry with confidence, even mastery. Grace Young has interviewed exceptional Chinese cooks from all over the world to document their stories and recipes and to reveal the many ways in which stir-frying has sustained the Chinese in cultures as far-flung as India, Trinidad, Jamaica, Cuba, Peru, France, and America. Whether you are seeking a practical and inspiring Chinese cookbook or a beautiful culinary history, look no further.” --Paula Wolfert, author of Mediterranean Clay Pot Cooking
Other cookbooks by this author
- Afternoon Tea Delicacies
- The Best of China: A Cookbook
- The Best of Thailand: A Cookbook
- The Breath of a Wok: Unlocking the Secrets of Chinese Wok Cooking Through Recipes and Lore
- The Breath of a Wok: Unlocking The Secrets of Chinese Wok Cooking Through Recipes and Lore
- Great Taste - Low Fat: Over 200 Delicious Recipes Under 400 Calories
- Great Taste - Low Fat: Desserts: 80 Absolutely Delicious Recipes - All with 30% or Fewer Calories from Fat
- Great Taste - Low Fat: Stir Fries and Sautés
- Old Fashion Country Favorites
- Pasta (Great Taste, Low Fat)
- Stir-Frying to the Sky's Edge: The Ultimate Guide to Mastery, with Authentic Recipes and Stories
- The Wisdom of the Chinese Kitchen: Classic Family Recipes for Celebration and Healing
- Wisdom of the Chinese Kitchen: Classic Family Recipes for Celebration and Healing