More Vegetables, Please: Delicious Vegetable Side Dishes for Everyday Meals by Janet Fletcher

    • Categories: Stews & one-pot meals; Side dish
    • Ingredients: artichokes; scallions; tomatoes; saffron; peas

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Notes about Recipes in this book

  • Baked leeks in mustard cream

    • wester on December 31, 2009

      Lovely - silky and rich. Very easy to make. I prefer to cut them to in bite-size pieces as the outer skin hardens a bit. This is a lovely contrast with the gooey inside, but not if you have to cut up a whole leek first. It does look better if you leave them whole (or half), though. I served this with plain rice and chicken livers with thyme. It was good. Celeriac mash and a fried egg was also a good combination.

  • Swiss chard with anchovy butter

    • wester on September 03, 2010

      Nice, but not quite worth the the work. Cooking the ribs takes the most time, all other parts of the recipe (except separating the leaves and the ribs, of course) can be done while they are cooking, so it's best to start with that step (step 4).

  • Jerusalem artichokes and peas

    • wester on March 29, 2010

      All very nice, good combination, but it somehow totally failed to excite me.The artichokes cooked quite unevenly as well, and they needed more time than stated.

  • Broccoli and potato puree with sour cream and dill

    • wester on March 22, 2010

      Not bad, but there are more interesting things to do with broccoli, or with sour cream and dill, and there are other mashes that are either simpler to make or more interesting to eat.

  • Steamed cabbage with sour cream and paprika

    • wester on January 01, 2010

      The sauce is very nice, but the cabbage is a bit too raw for my liking when prepared following the instructions. Next time I'd cut it in smaller pieces or cook longer. Some caraway is also nice with this one.

  • Potato-fennel gratin

    • wester on March 18, 2010

      More an ingredient suggestion than a recipe, but a good combination. I added some fennel seeds, too, and I liked it.

  • Carrots with cumin

    • wester on September 23, 2014

      Good, with a few changes. I don't like boiled carrots, so I omitted the boiling and the sugar, and I increased the cumin quite a bit (it says "or to taste" in the recipe, so technically not a change in the recipe).

  • Cauliflower and yogurt raita

    • wester on July 09, 2012

      Not really my idea of a raita - more a salad than a sauce. The flavor was nice but somehow lacked depth.

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  • ISBN 10 0962734535
  • ISBN 13 9780962734533
  • Published Oct 01 1992
  • Format Paperback
  • Language English
  • Countries United States
  • Publisher Harlow & Ratner

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