Julia's Kitchen Wisdom by Julia Child

Notes about this book

Notes about Recipes in this book

  • Leek and potato soup

    • lorloff on December 24, 2022

      Great base recipe. The proportions in this of equal amounts of leeks and potatoes worked perfectly. I used chicken stock instead of water and added bay leaves, thyme and garlic. After blending with a stick blender and leaving some of the chunks leek and potato in the soup I added white navy beans at the end and served garnished with fresh parsley and very flavorful olive oil.

    • minervasowl on December 14, 2012

      This summer I had access to an abundance of fresh, organically grown leeks, so I wanted to make potato leek soup. After striking out with several cookbooks (including one which had over a thousand pages and claimed to have every recipe I could want or need), I did an online search at the Splendid Table site. The author referenced Julia Child's Kitchen Wisdom, so I decided to go to the source, and there on page 3 was exactly the recipe I needed -- simple, leeky, potatoey goodness, with variations even. (I like to stir in mascarpone.) If you aren't looking for something fancy, use this "primal" (as Julia calls it) recipe. (And if you are looking for something fancy, it's an excellent starting point.)

    • Elnara on December 25, 2013

      Good basic recipe. I made the primal one with just leeks and potatoes and salt. When done I did blitz it in the blender as I have little ones who would have struggled with the leeks. Made a lovely simple soup. We had it with French baguette, some cured meats and other nibbles on the side.

  • Rutabaga soup soubise - with rice and onion purée

    • deboChicago on June 11, 2019

      I made this with asparagus and mushrooms, using brown rice (no rutabagas and no chicken broth). It is a great way to develop a creamy soup without any cream.

  • Calf's liver and onions

    • wodtke on January 14, 2018

      Very good. Made the onions, also did bacon. Cooking time is very much a judgment call, as it is so short and thus so dependent on how thick your liver slices are. I hit it right, but wouldn't want to bet on doing it again.

  • Spinach quiche

    • swegener on February 01, 2015

      I love the formula from this book, it makes it easy to be creative about your quiche. I made these in frozen phyllo tartlets.

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  • ISBN 10 0307593533
  • ISBN 13 9780307593535
  • Published Jan 19 2010
  • Language English
  • Countries United States
  • Publisher Knopf
  • Imprint Knopf Publishing Group

Publishers Text

How many minutes should you cook green beans? Is it better to steam them or to boil them?
What are the right proportions for a vinaigrette?
How do you skim off fat?
What is the perfect way to roast a chicken?

Julia Child gave us extensive answers to all these questions--and so many more--in the masterly books she published over the course of her career. But which one do you turn to for which solutions? Over the years Julia also developed some new approaches to old problems, using time-saving equipment and more readily available products. All the answers are close to hand in this indispensable little volume: the delicious, comforting, essential compendium of Julia's kitchen wisdom--a book you can't do without.

Information is arranged according to subject matter, with ample cross-referencing. How are you going to cook that small rib steak you brought home? You'll be guided to the quick sauté as the best and fastest way. And once you've mastered this recipe, you can apply the technique to chops, chicken or fish, following Julia's careful guidelines.

And here is equally essential information about soups, vegetables, and eggs, and for baking breads and tarts. It's all waiting for you in this delicious, priceless, comforting compendium of Julia's kitchen wisdom.

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