Eat Your Books Members can index their own cookbooks

Eat Your Books indexes books and magazines based on their popularity on members' Bookshelves, as well as new high profile books. The more Bookshelves they're on, the more likely they are to be indexed.

You may have some favorite books that aren't owned by many other members, you can now index these books using the Eat Your Books indexing system.

If you have a Free membership your Bookshelf count is increased by one every time you index a book.

Request to index a book

Choose the book you'd like to index. Click on the "Request Index" link, then "I would like to Index this book myself".

If you click "Request EYB to Index" your request will be added to the Indexing chart. When it's on enough Bookshelves it will be indexed by EYB.

What's involved in Indexing a book?

Once you have received a confirmation from EYB you have access to the indexing form.

There are step by step instructions on how to index recipes.  Find out more about Indexing ยป