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#304 Posted : Wednesday, February 8, 2023 5:09:51 PM(UTC)

KatieK1 - you can jump to the last post (most recent) in a forum thread. On the forum page click the icon at the very end of the line (the bigger of two).. it takes you to last unread ;-) AS to bookshelf doubling during membership: I too have that issue with EYB: but its such a great resource the additional spending on books that "sound/look" interesting is warranted.

#305 Posted : Wednesday, February 8, 2023 6:54:44 PM(UTC)

Intriguing read of posts in this topic that range over more than a decade which parallels the length of time I have been baking. My interest is primarily baking whether that be my first loaf of bread or my recent ventures into cakes, biscuits (the British kind which are essentially cookies that snap rather than bend), or patisserie with every point in between.

Most of my books are about some aspect of baking as one might guess but I am also interested in the cuisines of other countries and cultures. As an ad hic project I am cooking  "around the world in 80 meals" to steal an idea from Jules Verne except my goal is to experience as many diffierent countries and their cuisines as possible.Fogg and Passtartout were envisioned to circumnavigate the globe passing through as few countries as necessary whereas I envision cooking as many different cuisines as I can. British obviously because that is where I start from however this is not a straight line journey because my recent attempts have seen me preparing Chinese (take away) meals and Ukrainian breads also pizza — whether one imagines that as Italian or US — mixed with Indian sub-continent curries tracking back to Italian. If I can I want to reflect that same ideal of :around the world in 80" baked gooss too.

I particularly admire the meticulous research of Regula Ysewijn examining British baking and puddings in her books "Oats in the North Wheat in the South" — a title condemed to being the boring and mundane The British Baking Book in the US market —  and her Pride and Puddings. Research practice she has recently begun using on her homeland of Belgium with Dark Rye and Honey Cake, and Belgian Café Culture, which if any member of my family is reading this I would suggest the latter as an ideal Father's Day gift. ;-)

EYB supports both my baking pretensions and my Around the World ideas by making over half of my cook books available to search. But after working in text retrieval and biblogrpahic systems for decades how I wish the search feature was more extensive.

And after many decades of using forum software from the KOM system of Stokholm University, through Guelph's CoSy implemented as bix by McGraw Hill for their Byte Magazine and its copy cat installation in the UK as cix, through various others until now the Discourse system which I spend much of my professional and hobbyist time using to communicate with like-minded individuals I find the rather antiquated forum software here very frustrating to use.

#306 Posted : Wednesday, February 8, 2023 8:16:17 PM(UTC)

debkellie- Thanks!  I never noticed those little icons before.

#307 Posted : Thursday, February 9, 2023 9:30:47 AM(UTC)

KatieK1 - I saw debkellie answered you about the "jump" icons but I want to give a little more detail for members who haven't spotted them before. The icons are in the green bar to the right of the Forum topic title - the first is for "Go to last post" and the second is for "Go to last unread". If you hover over the icon a pop-up tells you what each is for.

#308 Posted : Thursday, June 8, 2023 11:59:45 AM(UTC)

How have I been on here for this long without processing that there are forums?  Finally!  People I'd want to talk to!!!!

I have close to 500 cookbooks.  I found this site because I wanted to get rid of some so started cooking through the ones I had, wished there were a way to index them and find recipes, and voila.  So now I obtain more and it's my only real collection.  I really like cooking from my books, though I go to the internet as well, but my general goal is to pick a book every week or so (currently it's the World of Street Food), and cook at least three recipes from it.  Some are from stuff I already have, and stuff I like to give to my SO or family as a "menu" and let them pick something if it doesn't have too many new ingredients.  Great to meet you all!!!!

#309 Posted : Monday, July 10, 2023 8:16:02 PM(UTC)

Hey Y'all!!! My name is Alyssa and I have to say this has been a fabulous last few days for the cookbook freak I am!

First, I am a Redditor and I found a subreddit called r/CookbookLovers and as I browsed the topics someone commented about EYB and then I had to check out the site myself and bam I signed up for the year because I knew the free version just wasn't enough for me. I am enamoured already!

Second, I currently live in Melbourne, Florida which is about 10 minutes from the Atlantic Ocean. I currently live with my mom and my sister's dog Poppy. My mom is enjoying having me here but is learning that I have found my love of organization and am not afraid to use it. I redid her chest freezer and pantry. I am lucky to say I have lived in various states including Arizona, Illinois, and Kentucky and visiting many more. I have also been outside of the country and off the continent with my travels to Jamaica, Spain, and Gibraltar. I am currently unemployed and, while searching for work, building my virtual assistant business because I have come to realize I am a nomad at heart and being able to help others in my own way seems to be a much better use of my time and energy. I don't have a whole lot of hobbies anymore as I have been working long hours or multiple jobs for the last few years. The few that I do have are indoor gardening, reading, and photography.

I love food, and I love cooking. I have learned that I am sensitive to certain textures and cannot eat everything in every state. For example: I love raw spinach but unless it's in something I cannot eat cooked spinach. I also have become intolerant to peanuts so that has been an interesting transition in my life. I used to have peanut butter and jelly sandwiches atleast once a week, but now I have the same reaction to peanuts as some have to milk. I don't necessarily have a style but I do enjoy making foods that can be easily eaten in a bowl rather than on a plate. One thing I would love to do is go on a food tour of an area and go where the locals go. My collection is small but so has the space I've lived in to keep them. I hope to one day have my own kitchen library for my cookbooks so I can get new and old books as I visit stores and Amazon (I rarely buy from Amazon unless I can't find it at Barnes & Noble). I can actually claim that I have cooked an entire Thanksgiving meal by myself from the Turkey to the sides. I fully understand what my mom and grandma meant when they would say they weren't hungry after making the meal because you spend all day tasting everything to make sure it's good, and boy was it good!

The last couple of years I have really tried to be more conscious of what I'm eating and would love to be more self-sufficient in growing my food. One of my more recent positions was at a grocery store just so I could save money on groceries because produce was so expensive I stopped buying the bulk of it and only buying what I actually ate. I have an app called Farm Ur Yard and they challenge everyone that uses the app to grow 10% of their caloric intake annually. I'd love to be able to do that. I also got very into menu planning. My menus would span the full month and I would create challenges for me to cook. So for example: July has 31 days I only plan half the month for cooking because I don't know what's going on. Then I give myself challenges and they can be anything from trying a new ethnical cuisine or making a favorite dish that I haven't done in a while. This is where EYB will shine for me. I love to use my cookbooks, magazines, and Pinterest pins for inspiration, but having it all in one place will be so much more beneficial and quick. I hope to catalog my own soon.

Also, I would love to have an Android app someday! Cookbooks are for marking and reading, but I sometimes would rather have my phone in the kitchen.

Also, Also, I saw a few pages back in this forum that you were looking for freelancers to help with indexing. I was wondering if that was still a need as I would love to help with this project. I have already indexed a few of the recipes I had saved in my emails and would love to do more. Administrative work makes me happy, for real!

Sorry it's so long there's just so much to say and I've not had anyone to say these things to ever before!

#310 Posted : Monday, July 10, 2023 11:12:29 PM(UTC)

Lysscooks - I received your email and responded. As you just joined yesterday the 9th and haven't done any Member Indexing- I have provided you with instructions on how to begin. Right now we are fully staffed - my email explains how you can build up to possibly becoming a pro indexer in the future. Welcome.

#311 Posted : Tuesday, August 8, 2023 8:56:32 AM(UTC)
Hi there! I love cooking, baking, and reading cookbooks as a hobby, and this is the site of my dreams! Before I found this site I was actually using a spreadsheet to keep track of all the recipes in my cookbooks but obviously it was very time-consuming to enter all the data myself. This site has saved me so much time, I think there are only a few books in my collection that haven't already been indexed by others. Looking forwards to using it for many years to come :)
#312 Posted : Saturday, September 2, 2023 3:51:05 PM(UTC)

After getting two recommendations to join EYB from two very different sources, here I am. I am a sun-bird who lives in the Southwest during Fall/Winter and in the Pacific Northwest during Spring/Summer. I love local and seasonal cooking which is easier to do in the Northwest. I am hoping to create more variation in what I cook with this site instead of leaning toward go-to recipes and dishes. 

#313 Posted : Monday, September 25, 2023 10:41:16 PM(UTC)

Hi my name is Kimconnors96 and i love EatYourBooks

#314 Posted : Monday, January 8, 2024 11:44:16 PM(UTC)
Hello! I've just joined and so far have loved organizing all my books and magazines and the attendant sense of rediscovering old favorites in my archives. I'm a user experience developer who's experimented with putting together my own cookbook organizing app, but, as it was just a side project, I never managed to finish it. I read about this service on Hungry Onion a few weeks ago and decided to give it a whirl. Nice to find a forum and look forward to reading your recipe comments and reviews.
#315 Posted : Tuesday, January 9, 2024 7:38:01 PM(UTC)
Originally Posted by: innerharbors Go to Quoted Post
Hello! I've just joined and so far have loved organizing all my books and magazines and the attendant sense of rediscovering old favorites in my archives. I'm a user experience developer who's experimented with putting together my own cookbook organizing app, but, as it was just a side project, I never managed to finish it. I read about this service on Hungry Onion a few weeks ago and decided to give it a whirl. Nice to find a forum and look forward to reading your recipe comments and reviews.

Welcome to the EYB community! It's a great place to explore your cookbook and magazine collection.
#316 Posted : Sunday, April 7, 2024 5:52:31 AM(UTC)
Whew! Just finished listing my collection: 874 books, 112,000 recipes. Of course, I'll be getting more. Want to reach 1000.

Why so many? I'm a semi-retired chef and like reading them. I get ideas for the restaurant and for my home cooking.
#317 Posted : Sunday, April 7, 2024 10:04:17 AM(UTC)

Welcome cookfreeordie - EYB will transform your use of your cookbooks. Please spread the word to all your chef friends!

#318 Posted : Wednesday, April 10, 2024 10:32:03 AM(UTC)

Hi everyone

I'm Courtney and I found this site a few months ago. I adore cookbooks!

My husband and I are empty nesters living on the London/Kent border in the UK and we love to garden. We grow as much of our own food as possible on our allotment so I am always looking for creative ways to use what we have in season as well as preserving harvests during the summer and autumn.  We try to eat as healthy as possible but I also enjoy dipping into comfort foods occasionally too. :)

#319 Posted : Thursday, April 11, 2024 7:46:19 AM(UTC)

Welcome Courtney - you have come to the right place if you adore cookvbooks! You may find your collection growing a lot faster now.

#320 Posted : Sunday, January 5, 2025 4:29:15 PM(UTC)

Hi, I'm Rachel. I just discovered this site after being certain that I needed to develop my own app or database to figure out where all the recipes I wanted to use were in my cookbook collection. Thank goodness this place exists because I didn't even know where to begin. I don't have nearly as many cookbooks as many of you - maybe somewhere between 50 and 70. But that's enough to not be able to keep track of what is where. And, while I don't mind cooking from an app or mobile device (I LOVE for recipes and meal planning), I prefer to use the books I have rather than searching online for a recipe. My MIL just gave me a bunch of cookbooks, including a few obscure ones. I'm toying with selling a few because I only have so much room for them, but this site might make it worth keeping them...just in case. I do have one interesting book that I got from her - a misprint of The Commander's Palace New Orleans Cookbook by Ella and Dick Brennan.

#321 Posted : Sunday, January 5, 2025 4:40:46 PM(UTC)

Hi Rachel--About a dozen years ago I had the exact same thoughts as you about coming up with my own way of cataloging recipes so they would be easier to find, & it wasn't but a few days after that I stumbled across EYB!  Exactly what I was looking for & more! Welcome to EYB!

#322 Posted : Sunday, January 12, 2025 11:08:45 AM(UTC)
Thank you for the welcome!
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