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Number of servings   Go to last post Go to last unread
#1 Posted : Wednesday, November 29, 2023 2:54:46 PM(UTC)

I joined EYB about a year ago and I have indexed several cookbooks. One of the indexing fields is for the number of servings. However, when I look at recipes on EYB I don’t see any information about servings. I wonder if I am missing something obvious or if the serving information is used in some way that’s not apparent.

#2 Posted : Thursday, November 30, 2023 8:54:00 AM(UTC)

We only added the Serves field relatively recently so we didn't show that info on the site until we had enough data to make it useful. I think that is probably the case now so we will add that to the site soon. Obviously Serves will only appear where that data has been added when the recipe was indexed. I would be interested to hear from members whether it is important that they see the Serves info on the Bookshelf or Library recipe page or whether the Recipe details page (accessed by clicking the recipe title) would be sufficient.

As an aside, if Serves is useful for a book you own, you can request to add that data (as well as page numbers, if missing, and store-cupboard ingredients) by emailing us and we will assign it to you for proofreading. Several members are doing this - working through their cookbooks so they will end up with complete data for all the books they own.

#5 Posted : Thursday, November 30, 2023 11:24:21 AM(UTC)

I don't need to see that in EYB. 

#3 Posted : Thursday, November 30, 2023 1:13:19 PM(UTC)

Originally Posted by: Jane Go to Quoted Post
I would be interested to hear from members whether it is important that they see the Serves info on the Bookshelf or Library recipe page or whether the Recipe details page (accessed by clicking the recipe title) would be sufficient.

Thanks for your helpful response, Jane. For me, just seeing it on the Recipe details page would be sufficient. 

#6 Posted : Thursday, November 30, 2023 3:51:47 PM(UTC)

Even though I mostly cook for 2, # of servings is not something I would use (or have wished  for) in an EYB search.  

#7 Posted : Friday, December 1, 2023 3:46:09 AM(UTC)

Serves info - not at all useful for me ...especially given serving sizes appear to vary incredibly across cultures! Cookbook authors do not appear to be good arbiters of proper dietary guidelines!!

#9 Posted : Friday, December 1, 2023 11:58:36 AM(UTC)

I don't need to see that in EYB either.

#8 Posted : Friday, December 1, 2023 7:38:29 PM(UTC)

Originally Posted by: Debkelliemember Go to Quoted Post

Serves info - not at all useful for me ...especially given serving sizes appear to vary incredibly across cultures! Cookbook authors do not appear to be good arbiters of proper dietary guidelines!!

My thought exactly.

#10 Posted : Saturday, December 2, 2023 4:37:18 AM(UTC)

Thanks, Jane. I'd love to see the serves info. Happy to have it in the recipe details.

#11 Posted : Saturday, December 2, 2023 8:04:10 PM(UTC)

Jane, I have been wondering whether page numbers and serves could be added to the personal recipes form as well?

#12 Posted : Sunday, December 3, 2023 12:01:42 AM(UTC)
If you let the engineer in me loose, I’d be more interested in whether a recipe is scalable than a number of servings; Beef Stew is scalable, Beef Wellington, well… only in the number of Wellingtons. But even scalability, I would use so seldom it’s not worth EYB’s effort

I would never search on the number of serving, it’s too subjective and I can do recipe math.
#13 Posted : Wednesday, December 6, 2023 5:19:10 AM(UTC)

I don't need to see the number of servings.  I can see though that some people might find a tag such as "cooking for one" useful in the same way that there is a "cooking in for a crowd" option under Occasions.

#14 Posted : Thursday, December 7, 2023 3:35:04 AM(UTC)
Originally Posted by: FJT Go to Quoted Post

I don't need to see the number of servings.  I can see though that some people might find a tag such as "cooking for one" useful in the same way that there is a "cooking in for a crowd" option under Occasions.

But there is a "cooking for one or two" tag. Personally I find it useful to have the number of serves, but not like I cannot live without it - actually what is useful is to have a global idea of whether the recipe is for 2-4 people or 6-8 people for instance, but again can probably live without it. The page number however is super important, I find it a shame that it was not introduced sooner, as I have some books that have several recipes with the same name, and then it is quite a pain looking for the right one.
#15 Posted : Thursday, December 7, 2023 8:40:23 AM(UTC)

Agaillard - yes, with hindsight I wish we had added page numbers sooner too. But you can easily add them to any of your favorite books that are missing them - several members are doing that. Just email us and we will assign it to you for proofreading and you add the numbers to the database. I've done it for a lot of my own books and I find it's also a good way to add the tag "I want to cook this" for recipes that look interesting (a good way to whittle down my search results to recipes I've already noted as interesting).

#16 Posted : Friday, December 8, 2023 9:08:15 AM(UTC)
Thank you Jane, good idea actually, I will do that - might take a while because this is probably the biggest recipe book I own lol :)
#17 Posted : Friday, December 8, 2023 10:16:20 AM(UTC) good thing when you are adding page numbers is that they appear in the EYB database in real time (ie page numbers appear as you work and so members start to see them BEFORE you submit the finished book.  Also, seeing page numbers in early sections of the book are also a hint to people that someone is on the job :)

And Jane, I totally agree about this task sends you into your books and means finding lots of recipes you forgot about or never really considered before.

#18 Posted : Friday, December 8, 2023 7:25:31 PM(UTC)
I think that # of servings would be helpful. While I understand there is some variability in what each author believes is a serving size, it would be a helpful indicator in whether deciding to make a recipe or not (Will I have leftovers for lunch tomorrow? How many cookies should I end up with? I.e.)
#4 Posted : Sunday, December 10, 2023 4:15:37 PM(UTC)

Originally Posted by: Jane Go to Quoted Post
I would be interested to hear from members whether it is important that they see the Serves info on the Bookshelf or Library recipe page or whether the Recipe details page (accessed by clicking the recipe title) would be sufficient.

Not something I think is necessary -- Eat your books doesn't include ingredient quantities, so I would probably just do some maths anyway if I wanted to cook it for a different number of people from the recipe

#19 Posted : Sunday, September 22, 2024 12:40:48 AM(UTC)

Hi Jane, I was wondering what has happened to the Serves info. Is it added to new books as they are indexed? I've noticed that Ottolenghi's Comfort doesn't have them.

#22 Posted : Sunday, September 22, 2024 9:01:57 AM(UTC)

Ganga108 - an indexer oversight that will be fixed ASAP. Update: the serves were there. Indexer did enter them.

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