Clémentine in the Kitchen (New Edition) by Samuel Chamberlain and Narcisse Chamberlain

    • Categories: Stews & one-pot meals; Main course; French
    • Ingredients: beef rump; truffles; bread crumbs; carrots; mushrooms; green olives pitted; sweet red pepper; pig feet; Beaujolais wine; bouquet garni; dough of your choice

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  • ISBN 10 0879237023
  • ISBN 13 9780879237028
  • Linked ISBNs
  • Published Jan 01 1988
  • Format Hardcover
  • Page Count 256
  • Language English
  • Countries United States
  • Publisher David R. Godine Publisher

Publishers Text

The Chamberlain family spent a dozen blissful years in pre-World War II France, with their beloved cook, Clémentine, learning the gustatory pleasures of snail hunting in their backyard and bottling their own wine. When war rumblings sent them scurrying Stateside, Clémentine refused to be left behind and made a new home for herself in Marblehead, Massachusetts, where she introduced the initially suspicious Yankees to the pleasures of la cuisine de bonne femme. First published in 1943, Clémentine in the Kitchen is a charming portrait of a family of gastronomic adventurers, and a mouth-watering collection of more than 170 traditional French recipes. This Modern Library Food series edition includes a new Introduction by Jeffrey Steingarten, food critic for Vogue and author of The Man Who Ate Everything, winner of the Julia Child Book Award.

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