Jane from EYB explained in another post that the blog survey is no longer available. She mentioned that suggestions made in the Forum would be added to the chart based on the original survey, so I am starting a new thread for this. Respond to the thread with suggestions for blogs to be added to EYB. Mine are below, in order of preference.
Not Eating Out in New York, Cathy Elway: http://noteatingoutinny.com/
The Chubby Vegetarian, Justin Fox Burks: http://chubbyvegetarian.blogspot.com/
Healthy Happy Life (100% Vegan), Kathy Patalski: http://kblog.lunchboxbunch.com/
EDIT FROM EYB 2024: the unique feature of EYB is our recipe index of cookbooks and magazines - no other service in the world offers it. So we prefer to concentrate our indexing resources on those. There are 86 online sites we have indexed and we keep those updated every day. Indexing an online site is a long-term commitment so when adding new ones there has to be a very strong reason - either a cookbook author who is popular on EYB and we want to provide a complete author index or it's a ingredient site that we link to for buying ingredients. If the site you want indexed doesn't fall into those categories then you should add the recipes you love from that site using the Bookmarklet. The Help page for the Bookmarklet is here.