Italian Country Cooking: The Secrets of Cucina Povera by Loukie Werle

    • Categories: Soups; Italian
    • Ingredients: speck (Italian); garlic; tomatoes; linguine pasta; basil; Parmesan cheese; pecorino cheese

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  • ISBN 10 1876624698
  • ISBN 13 9781876624699
  • Linked ISBNs
  • Published May 01 2007
  • Format Hardcover
  • Page Count 304
  • Language English
  • Countries Australia
  • Publisher Park Street Press
  • Imprint Park Street Press

Publishers Text

Cucina povera, as you'll discover when you try it, means eating with a warm heart - quite possibly better than you've ever done in your life. As a Roman proverb says: Pi se spenne e pejo se magna ...The more you spend, the worse you eat.

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