Tarts: The Art of Baking Fabulous and Irresistable Pastries by Maggie Mayhew

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  • ISBN 10 075481081X
  • ISBN 13 9780754810810
  • Published Oct 31 2002
  • Format Hardcover
  • Page Count 64
  • Language English
  • Edition illustrated edition
  • Countries United Kingdom
  • Publisher Anness Publishing
  • Imprint Lorenz Books

Publishers Text

Light and crumbly or rich and filling, tarts can be served at any time of day: they make a delightful mid-morning snack; are the ideal way to extend a leisurely lunch; and are the perfect way to end a special meal. This volume offers sweet and savoury tarts for all occasions. Included are classics such as tangy lemon tart in crisp shortcrust pastry, savoury Roquefort and leek encased in walnut pastry, and coffee pastry tartlets with an indulgent chocolate liqueur centre. Most recipes feature rich, buttery shortcrust pastry, which is surprisingly easy to make, though some use ready-made filo and puff pastry, with wonderfully light results.

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