Ainsley Harriott's Gourmet Express by Ainsley Harriott

    • Categories: Fried doughs; Quick / easy; Snacks; Cooking for 1 or 2; English; Indian; Vegan; Vegetarian
    • Ingredients: turmeric; sage; onions; vegetable oil; red chillies
    • Accompaniments: Maddie's mango chutney; Lovely tomato chutney

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  • ISBN 10 0789474999
  • ISBN 13 9780789474995
  • Published Dec 13 2000
  • Format Hardcover
  • Language English
  • Countries United States
  • Publisher DK Publishing
  • Imprint DK Publishing (Dorling Kindersley)

Publishers Text

Good food quickly, not fast food, is Ainsley Harriott's mission in Gourmet Express. By examining what we eat when we're in a hurry and then offering many appetizing, healthy alternatives, this cookbook emphasizes changing our cooking and eating habits while choosing great-tasting, homemade dishes over restaurant take-out.

Over 120 deliciously simple and fast recipes for everything from soup, snacks, and noodles to fish, veggies, and meat are included.

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