The Ultimate Rice Cooker Cookbook: 250 No-Fail Recipes for Pilafs, Risottos, Polenta, Chilis, Soups, Porridges, Puddings, and More, Fro by Beth Hensperger

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Notes about Recipes in this book

  • American long-grain white rice

    • chiken on October 06, 2014

      Very nice one, thank you so much! I have never tried this recipe in my Redmond 4502 multicooker. My children tries it too very often - it is comfortable when you can put into multicooker all the ingredients that need and go for a work or school, when I with children at home there is perfect meal, like in your recipe.

  • Mexican rice

    • adrienneyoung on October 02, 2012

      a keeper! Went well with ropa vieja.

  • Four-grain pilaf

    • MollyB on August 23, 2018

      I really like this recipe, and have made it quite a few times. I've found the wild rice does not cook at the same rate as the other grains; I've had better luck cooking it separately and then stirring it in at the end. (I make a big batch of wild rice and freeze it.) I've made it with red rice instead of the wheat berries, and that was a good variation.

  • Basic couscous

    • adrienneyoung on October 22, 2016

      Note to self: this recipe does not work: it may be that, just generically, rice cookers and couscous are not good companions.

  • Traditional grits

    • cilantrolime on July 09, 2014

      Great basic recipe for grits!

  • Steamed shrimp and jasmine rice

    • MollyB on August 23, 2018

      Good simple recipe, though nothing fancy. It was nice for a quick weeknight meal. It would take well to varying the seasoning - I might try some sort of spice blend on the shrimp if I make it again.

  • Tapioca pudding

    • lisbet on January 16, 2015

      Cooking this particular tapioca pudding is now fondly remembered as the day we created the 'Tapioca Volcano' in our house - milk, tapioca, sugar, egg all spewing forth from the rice cooker and covering everything in its way - you get the picture - and it was quite funny at the time, though cleaning its aftermath was anything but. I now have an excellent recipe from which involves the stove and a saucepan!

  • Homemade applesauce

    • AngelNewsi on September 19, 2010

      I used freshly-picked, Cortland apples bought at a local farm and instead of apple juice, I used apple cider. The Cortlands hold their shape, so I mashed them up. So good!

  • Waldorf rice salad

    • sideshoes on April 14, 2011

      Very good. Makes a very nice side salad, and is substantial enough for a light lunch.

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  • ISBN 10 1558324860
  • ISBN 13 9781558324862
  • Published Feb 13 2003
  • Page Count 384
  • Language English

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