Le Fermier Gourmet: Recettes secrètes: le bon goût des produits d'autrefois by Matthew Evans and Nick Haddow and Ross O'Meara
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- ISBN 10 2012315739
- ISBN 13 9782012315730
- Published Oct 02 2013
- Format Hardcover
- Page Count 262
- Language French
- Countries France
- Publisher Hachette
Publishers Text
Ah les bons produits de la ferme. Qui n'aspire pas à un retour aux sources gustatif, aux bons produits d'autrefois, aux saveurs authentiques ? Le fermier gourmet vous offre tous ses secrets de recettes et techniques par produits : laitages, viandes, poissons, légumes et épices. Chacune des grande famille des aliments fermiers est passée en revue. Vous y trouverez les techniques et secrets de fabrication des mets les plus simples aux plus élaborés : comment fabriquer son beurre, sa crème fraîche, certains fromages comme la ricotta, ou mascarpone, les techniques de fumaison ou de salaison des viandes et charcuteries. Et bien entendu, des recettes de cuisine plus élaborées, mettant en scène tous ces bons produits : terrines, tourtes, mijotées, poêlées, confits et bien d'autres délices!Other cookbooks by this author
- The Commons: A Year of Living, Cooking and Eating on Fat Pig Farm
- The Dirty Chef: From Big City Food Critic to Foodie Farmer
- The Dirty Chef: From Big City Food Critic to Foodie Farmer
- The Dirty Chef: From Big City Food Critic to Foodie Farmer
- For the Love of Meat: 60 Inspired Recipes That Will Change the Way You Eat
- The Gourmet Farmer Deli Book: Food As It Used to Taste
- The Gourmet Farmer Deli Book: Food As It Used to Taste
- The Gourmet Farmer Deli Book: Food As It Used to Taste
- The Gourmet Farmer Deli Book: Food As It Used to Taste
- The Gourmet Farmer Goes Fishing
- The Gourmet Farmer Goes Fishing
- Gourmet Farmer Goes Fishing: The Fish to Eat and How to Cook It
- Kitchen Basics
- Kitchen Basics
- Lonely Planet World Food: China
- Lonely Planet World Food: Italy
- Milk. Made: A Book About Cheese: How to Choose It, Serve It and Eat It
- Milk. Made. : A Book About Cheese: How to Choose It, Serve It and Eat It
- Never Order Chicken on a Monday: Kitchen Chronicles of an Undercover Food Critic
- Not Just Jam: The Fat Pig Farm Book of Preserves, Pickles and Sauces
- Not Just Jam: The Fat Pig Farm Book of Preserves, Pickles and Sauces
- Not Just Jam
- On Eating Meat: The Truth About its Production and the Ethics of Eating it
- The Real Food Companion
- Real Food Companion
- The Real Food Companion
- The Real Food Companion
- The Real Food Companion: Fully revised and updated
- Summer on Fat Pig Farm
- Summer on Fat Pig Farm
- The Sydney Morning Herald Good Food Guide 2001
- The Sydney Morning Herald Good Food Guide 2005
- The Weekend Cook
- Weekend Fare
- Wild Meat: The Complete Guide to Cooking Game
- Winter on the Farm: Heartwarming Food for the Cold Months
- Winter on the Farm: Heartwarming Food for the Cold Months