Taste of Home Most Requested Recipes by Taste of Home Editors

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  • ISBN 10 0898217695
  • ISBN 13 9780898217698
  • Published Jan 01 2010
  • Format Hardcover
  • Language English
  • Countries United States
  • Publisher Taaste of Home

Publishers Text

On a daily basis, Taste of Home editors receive countless letters from readers who are singing the praises of their favorite recipes. Online, the accolades continue among the Taste of Home web community for hundreds more recipes. With all this sharing, it seemed only natural to offer readers a one-stop-shop for all their can't-live-without recipes. So we sifted through the dozens of letters and online comments to collect those treasured standbys readers can't seem to stop talking about and placed them into the brand new Taste of Home Most Requested Recipes. We've packed 437 of these best-loved recipes into 10 scrumptious chapters, including Snacks & Appetizers, Breakfast & Brunch; Soups & Sandwiches; Sides, Salads & Breads; Main Dishes; Quick & Easy; and Desserts. You'll also find unique chapters such as Editors; Favorites that showcase recipes taken directly from our editors; personal recipe boxes. Guilt-Free Fare proves you can still eat well while eating right; with your all-time comforting favorites. Seasonal Selections features the very best dishes created especially for a specific season or holiday. Aside from hundreds of can't-fail recipes, you'll also find handy kitchen tips, convenient prep and cook times and helpful comments from Taste of Home web community members.

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