Williams-Sonoma New Healthy Kitchen: Grilling: Colorful Recipes for Health and Well-Being by Annabel Langbein

    • Categories: Grills & BBQ; Appetizers / starters; Vegetarian
    • Ingredients: globe eggplants; feta cheese; lemons; parsley; thyme; purple bell peppers; green onions

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  • ISBN 10 1740896114
  • ISBN 13 9781740896115
  • Linked ISBNs
  • Published Aug 03 2007
  • Format Paperback
  • Page Count 144
  • Language English
  • Countries United States
  • Publisher Mission Production, Inc.

Publishers Text

Finally, a completely new approach to healthy eating--the Williams-Sonoma New Healthy Kitchen cookbooks are the first to combine current nutritional research with simple and appealing recipes.

The amazing benefits of colorful foods, whole grains, legumes, seeds, and nuts are being studied by doctors across the country and touted by government experts on nutrition. However, all the good advice in the world won't help you put a healthy dinner on the table. The New Healthy Kitchen cookbooks are the first and only to offer recipes that translates the latest science into healthy, delicious recipes for everyday eating.

The sixty all new recipes in each book, grouped by the color of key ingredient, offer dozens of appealing and easy ways to bring a rainbow of foods into your everyday diet.

With New Healthy Kitchencookbooks, eating well is easy. These books demonstrate that healthy food means good food--simply prepared and a pleasure to eat.

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