Over 170,000 Books in our EYB Library and hints to manually adding books
January 20, 2025 by JennyWe have recently achieved a significant milestone: our EYB Library now boasts over 170,000 listed books. Among these, almost 14,000 are indexed, while 410 are currently in the indexing process. Additionally, 945 books do not contain recipes. It is likely that there are many more books without recipes, and we have been diligently marking them as we discover them (let us know if you think any should be tagged).

Of the 170,000 books, 52,000 titles have been added by Members. For guidance on adding a book using the automated function, please refer to the Help Section. If you have an ISBN, please use the automated feature as it pulls in more information and I can easily edit anything that is missing. Additionally, always search the Library for the book title and/or ISBN before proceeding.
When searching for an e-book edition of a book it is most likely already available in the Library, it’s important to note that e-books are associated with master editions. For instance, the master edition of “Wild Food,” which is also a ckbk title, is identified by the ISBN 9781447249962. Other formats, such as paperback or e-book editions, are linked to this master edition. If you search the Library for any of these linked editions, they will not appear in the results. To add one of the linked editions, click on the “link” icon next to “4.” This action will display the linked books; simply select the one from your collection to add that edition to your Bookshelf.

A total of 3,448 books have so far been manually added by Members. You can add a book or magazine using the manual function after confirming that it is not already in the Library. Unfortunately, many members are manually adding titles that are already in the Library and sometimes on their Bookshelf. Once a book is on your Bookshelf, there is no need to add it manually. Please conduct a search first by importing the ISBN in Import Books.
If you tried using Import Books but the book did not appear on your Bookshelf, it was not on Amazon (our data source) or Amazon had neglected to add food or drink tags. We had to add that requirement as some members have imported their entire book collection. You can view which books you have imported that did not add by clicking My Added Books under the My Bookshelf tab. Then select the filter OnAmazon (books without a food or drink tag) or NotOnAmazon (books not listed at all on Amazon.com. Those books will need to be added manually. You can also select Imported to see that books added to the Library from your ISBN import.

After you are sure the book is not in our Library, head to My Bookshelf and toggle down to Add Member Books. The form above will pop up. You must add the full title of the book – using the correct format – for example:
The Authentic Pasta Book: Regional Italian Recipes for Great Classic and Contemporary Dishes from Great Chefs and Fine Home Cooks by Fred Plotkin
Leading Article – is The, A, An – and is a separate field – in the example above it is The. Main title – should be in the Library format – i.e., Authentic Pasta Book and the subtitle in the following format Regional Italian Recipes for Great Classic and Contemporary Dishes from Great Chefs and Fine Home Cooks. Please use proper capitalization etc.
Please ensure to include the Author and Publisher information if available. If not, kindly leave a note in the Member Notes section, which is the last box. Additionally, make an effort to provide the page number, date of publication, publication country, and upload the book cover. Avoid using the “Enter” key, as this will automatically save your book and prevent further edits. Regarding the Nutrition field, please refrain from selecting Vegan or Vegetarian; these designations should be placed under Book Category. Appropriate categories to select include Gluten-free, Dairy-free, and Diabetic, among others.
If you have any questions, please email me at jenny@eatyourbooks.com and I will answer you as soon as I can.
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