You’re going to love EYB Book Preview and EYB Recipe Preview

Cooks and cookbook lovers are visual people. Just as we eat with our eyes first, many cookbook buyers prefer to physically browse through a title at a bookstore or library before making a commitment to purchase the volume. 

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could thumb through pages from a new cookbook without leaving the comfort of your home? Well, now you can do just that. We’re excited to announce EYB Book Preview and EYB Recipe Preview, which allows you to view a selection of pages from a title – including photographs, illustrations, and complete recipes – with just a click. When you combine this resource with our invaluable index and Jenny’s amazing reviews, you will come away with a solid feel for the style, tone, and layout of the latest releases. 

The screenshots below walk you through the steps to preview books and recipes. Our goal is to provide you with a robust sample, including 2 to 5 full recipes just as they appear in the cookbook, including photographs or illustrations.

EYB Book Preview

Below the thumbnail image of the cookbook cover, you will see a button for the EYB Book Preview. Clicking that button takes you to the preview, which operates in a similar manner to an e-book. Left and right arrows at the page edges allow you to navigate through the sample. 



EYB Recipe Preview

When performing a search or browsing through a cookbook index, if a recipe excerpt is included in the preview, you willl see a button titled EYB Recipe Preview. Clicking this link will take you directly to the preview page that contains the recipe. You’ll be able to zoom in and out on the pages (especially handy for those of us who constantly misplace our reading glasses). If the recipe spans several pages, you can also flip back and forth between them. 

We’ve added new filters so you can easily see the books you can preview

as well as a filter for recipes that can be previewed.




Both of these features should work on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. We are rolling out this feature on select titles listed below, and we will be adding additional books soon. Be sure to watch the Weekly and Monthly Roundups for links to previews for new titles as we add them.

There are EYB Book Previews available for the following titles which are in the process of being indexed. While you can preview the book the recipe option isn’t available until the index is complete.

We extend a hearty thank you to the publishers who have given us permission to highlight and promote their titles in this manner. Please let us know what you think of EYB Book Preview with a comment.

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  • vickster  on  March 24, 2018

    I love this idea! Especially since there are now so few bookstores to browse. EYB continues to be indispensable for me!

  • FJT  on  March 24, 2018

    What a great idea! I’ve enjoyed looking at the previews listed and like the fact that you can see a few of the recipes. Quite often on Amazon’s “look inside” feature you just get the introduction and don’t get to see any of the recipes and I don’t like buying cookbooks without seeing how the recipes are presented.

  • annmartina  on  March 24, 2018

    This is beautiful. Thank you.

  • Joyceeong  on  March 25, 2018

    I love this new feature! Thank you!

  • adrienneyoung  on  March 25, 2018

    THANK YOU!!!!!

  • Rinshin  on  March 25, 2018

    I am confused by the blue bookshelf button when you go to these books. What is that for since they are not linked online recipes?

  • Jenny  on  March 26, 2018

    Rinshin – email me at – I'm not sure I understand your comment – the recipes that are EYB Recipe Preview link to the EYB Book Preview where you can see the recipe. There are three books that aren't indexed yet – but you can take a peek at a Preview and when they are indexed the EYB Recipe Preview will be available – but you can still see the recipes that are in the EYB Book Preview.

  • eurotaster  on  March 30, 2018

    Love this new feature!! Thank you.. will make the weekly update more interesting too! Happy Easter to all

  • AngelNewsi  on  March 30, 2018

    Love it!!! Thank you so much!!

  • Kristjudy  on  April 6, 2018

    Another great new feature! Thank you for adding it.

  • apattin  on  April 10, 2018

    Can you print a recipe from the preview?

  • Indio32  on  April 11, 2018

    Obvious question has to be “how is this different from Amazon’s Look Inside”?

  • Cati  on  April 12, 2018

    Great feature. Checked out the preview of The Taartwork Pie Cookbook which had just been indexed. Don't usually buy US published books because of the Imperial measurements, but was able to see Metric alternatives and a good clear print.

  • Jenny  on  April 13, 2018

    Indio32 – it is much nicer than the Amazon look inside we feel – and it gives you a real "feel for the book" – plus you have the index on most of them and eventually all of them once published

  • eliza  on  April 14, 2018

    This is a great feature, and as Jenny said is nicer and more user friendly than the Amazon previews (which are also a great resource, but a bit hard to navigate on a tablet). Also, I looked up a couple on Amazon to compare, and some titles such as Bakeland don't have an Amazon preview available.

  • BJacksier  on  February 11, 2022

    I love the Book Previews. I loved On the Himalayan Trail and noticed I could buy the book through EYB and help support the site. BUT, I can’t figure out how to do this!

    • Jane  on  October 26, 2022

      Many apologies, this got missed. You can buy a cookbook using our affiliate links (and so helping to get more books indexed) by clicking the Buy Book button on the book details page. You get to any book details page by clicking the book title.

  • mweigang  on  October 30, 2022

    I also love this feature but was wondering if there was a way to request these books be fully indexed. This is something that happened with a new book that I recently purchased that had already been given a digital preview. The request index button seemed to disappear from my options.

    • Jane  on  November 4, 2022

      That ‘Request Index’ link will be back on Monday.

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